Marina Kalashnikova, MA
Clinical Psychologist
MA and BA in Psychology
Types of Therapy: ACT, DBT, CBT, MI and other evidence-based approaches; trauma-informed therapy.
Languages: English, Russian, Spanish.
Works with: Adult, Teenager, Couple, Family.
Locations: Vista Medical Center, Shenzhen, China, On-site and Online.
I am a Clinical Psychologist specializing in trauma, eating disorders, ADHD and midlife crises. I hold a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in psychology, with distinction, complemented with a professional qualification in clinical psychology.
My clients come from a wide spectrum of environments and upbringings, and range from children to teenagers to adults.
As a practitioner, I am committed to implementing evidence-based approaches in my work. I am well-versed in various therapeutic modalities, including Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). By employing these approaches, my aim is to assist clients in achieving happiness and harmony in their lives. I also focus on helping them recognize their value and uniqueness, as well as overcoming traumas that may be hindering their ability to form healthy relationships with themselves and others.
As a wife and mother in a cross-cultural family who has lived in Europe, South America, and Asia, I incorporate academic training with multicultural concepts into each case.
Contact me using my Contact Form or directly to my email or  to Whatsapp: +86 131 6712 3659
As a practitioner, I am committed to implementing evidence-based approaches in my work. I am well-versed in various therapeutic modalities, including Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). By employing these approaches, my aim is to assist clients in achieving happiness and harmony in their lives. I also focus on helping them recognize their value and uniqueness, as well as overcoming traumas that may be hindering their ability to form healthy relationships with themselves and others.
As a wife and mother in a cross-cultural family who has lived in Europe, South America, and Asia, I incorporate academic training with multicultural concepts into each case.
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© MKalashnikova 2024-2025
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